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발표논문 & 컬럼
Microsurgical Ligation for Painful Varicocele: Effectiveness and Predictors of Pain Resolution. YMJ 2012 Jan.; 56(1): 145-50. (SCIE)
Effects of the REMEEX systemⓇ in Female Patients with Intrinsic Sphincteric Deficiency and Recurrent Urinary Incontinence: Three-Year Outcomes. LUTS 2012 Sep;4(3):120-5. (SCIE)
Five-year Outcomes of the Transection of Synthetic Suburethral Sling Tape for Treating Obstructive ing Symptoms After Transobturator Sling Surgery.
Urology. 2012 Sep;80(3):551-5. (SCI)
Cell-free microRNAs in urine as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of bladder cancer. Int J Oncol. 2012 Nov;41(5):1871-8. (SCI)
RUNX3 methylation in normal surrounding urothelium of patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: Potential role in the prediction of tumor progression.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2012 Nov;38(11):1095-100.(SCIE)
Impact of visual internal urethrotomy on sexual function in patients with urethral stricture. J Endourol. 2013 Feb;27(2):214-9.(SCIE)
Glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 polymorphisms: susceptibility and outcomes in muscle invasive bladder cancer patients. Eur J Cancer. 2013 Sep;49(14):3010-9.(SCI)
Nontransected Ventral Onlay-augmented Urethroplasty Using Autologous Saphenous Vein Graft in a Rabbit Model of Urethral Stricture. Urology 2014 Jan;83(1):225-31. (SCI)
Development of Renal Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Scaffold for Kidney Regeneration
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Vol. 11, No Suppl. 1, pp 1-7 (2014.02) (SCIE)
The optimal timing of post-prostate biopsy magnetic resonance imaging to guide nerve-sparing surgery.Asian J Androl. 2014 Mar-Apr;16(2):280-4 (SCI)
Characterization of a novel composite scaffold consisting of acellular bladder submucosa matrix, polycaprolactone and Pluronic F127 as a substance for bladder reconstruction. Acta Biomater. 2014 Jul;10(7):3117-25.(SCIE)
Urethroplasty Using Autologous Urethral Tissue-ded Acellular Porcine Bladder Submucosa Matrix Grafts for the Management of Long-Segment Urethral Stricture in a Rabbit Model. J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Mar;30(3):301-7. (SCI)
Development of a porcine renal extracellular matrix scaffold as a platform for kidney regeneration. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2015 Apr;103(4):1391-403.(SCI)
Pre-clinical efficacy and safety uation of human amniotic fluid-derived stem cell injection in a mouse model of urinary incontinence. Yonsei Med J. 2015 May 1;56(3):648-57.(SCI)
Impact of Microvascular Invasion and Tumor Necrosis on the Prognosis of Korean Patients with pT1b Renal Cell Carcinoma. Urol Int. 2015;95(1):65-71.(SCIE)
Stem Cells Seeded Surface Modified Composite Scaffold Grafts for Bladder Reconstruction in a Rat Model. J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Dec;30(12):1754-63.(SCI)
Decision d on Narrow Band Imaging Cystoscopy without a Referential Normal Standard Rather Increases Unnecessary Biopsy in Detection of Recurrent Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Early after Intravesical Instillation. Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Jan;48(1):273-80.(SCIE)
The Surgical Skill of a Novice Trainee Manifests in Time-Consuming Exercises of a Virtual Simulator Rather Than a Quick-Finishing Counterpart: A Concurrent Validity Study Using an Urethrovesical Anastomosis Model. J Surg Educ. 2016 Jan-Feb;73(1):166-72.(SCIE)
Procalcitonin determined at emergency department as early indicator of progression to septic shock in patient with sepsis associated with ureteral calculi. Int Braz J Urol. 2016 March-April;42(2):270-6.(SCIE)
Structural Variation of Prostate Urethra Reflected by the Ratio Between Prostate Volume and Prostatic Urethral Length is Associated with the Degrees of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. LUTS 2016 May;8(2):113-9 (SCIE).
Effect on Sexual Function of Patients and Patients’ Spouses After Midurethral Sling Procedure for Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Prospective Single Center Study.
LUTS 2016 September;8(3):182-5. (SCIE)
The Long-Term Outcomes of the Tension-free Vaginal Tape Procedure for Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: Data from Minimum 13 Years of Follow-Up.
LUTS 2017 Jan;9(1):10-4. (SCIE)
Lateral decubitus position vs. lithotomy position: which is the best way to minimize patient's pain perception during transrectal prostate biopsy? Int Braz J Urol. 2017 May-Jun;43(3):462-469. (SCIE)
Structural Variations of the Prostatic Urethra Within the Prostate Predict the Severities of Obstructive Symptoms: A Prospective Multicenter Observational Study. Urology. 2017 Jun;104:160-165. (SCI)
Promoting Wound Healing Using Low Molecular Weight Fucoidan in a Full-Thickness Dermal Excision Rat Model. Mar Drugs. 2017 Apr 7;15(4).(SCIE)
Moutan Cortex Protects Hepatocytes against Oxidative Injury through AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway. Biol Pharm Bull. 2017;40(6):797-806.(SCI)
Comparison of 5 Different Rat Models to Establish a Standard Animal Model for Research Into Interstitial Cystitis Int Neurourol J (International Neurourology Journal) 2017 Sep;21(3):163-170.(SCIE)
Hypoxia enhances cell properties of human mesenchymal stem cells. Tissue Eng Regen Med 2017 July 31;14(5):595-604.(SCIE)
Potency of Human Urine-Derived Stem Cells for Renal Lineage Differentiation.
Tissue Eng Regen Med 2017 Sep 27;14(6):775-785.(SCIE)
Concentration to Fabricate Anti-Inflammatory Scaffold for Renal Tissue Regeneration
Journal of biomaterials and tissue engineering 2017;7:1038-1044.(SCIE)
Occult Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Int J Surg Pathol 2018 Apr;26(2):194-196. (Case report, SCIE)
High of QSOX1 is associated with tumor invasiveness and high
grades groups in prostate cancer Pathol Res Pract 2018 Jul;214(7):964-967. (Case reposrt, SCI)
Concurrent validation of a robotic simulator curriculum focused on "core" exercises: Does it help overcome line skill levels? Int J Urol. 2018 Aug;25(8):760-761. (SCIE)
Anti-Photoaging Effects of Low Molecular-Weight Fucoidan on Ultraviolet B-Irradiated Mice. Mar Drugs. 2018 Aug 18;16(8). (SCIE)
Patient-reported Goal Achievement after Treating Male Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Alpha-adrenergic Antagonist: A 12-week Prospective Multicenter Study
Urol J. 2018 Oct 21.(SCIE)
Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Organ Salvage in Testicular Torsion with Marginal Diagnostic Delay. World J Mens Health. 2019 Jan;37(1):99-104.(SCIE)
A Novel Dorsal Slit Approached Non-Ischemic Partial Nephrectomy Method for a Renal Tissue Regeneration in a Mouse Model. Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2018 Jun 1;15(4):453-466. (SCIE)
Optimal Stem Cell Transporting Conditions to Maintain Cell Viability and Characteristics. Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2018 Jul 3;15(5):639-647.(SCIE)