

박상진 사진


  • [진료과] 마취통증의학과
  • [주연구분야] 부위마취, 수술 후 통증 관리
  • [직위] 교수
  • [진료과목] 소아마취, 부위마취, 심폐혈관마취, 수술 후 통증 관리


마취통증의학과 의료진의 진료과목, 오전과 오후의 예약가능 요일을 알려주며 예약관련 링크 제공
의사 진료과목 구분 예약
박상진 소아마취, 부위마취, 심폐혈관마취, 수술 후 통증 관리 오전 전화 예약


영남대학교 의과대학 의학사 1999년
영남대학교 의과대학 의학석사 2003년
계명대학교 의과대학 의학박사 2014년


영남대학교 병원 마취통증의학과 전임강사 2009-2010년
영남대학교 병원 마취통증의학과 조교수 2011-2014년
영남대학교 병원 마취통증의학과 부교수 2015년-2020년
영남대학교 병원 마취통증의학과 교수 2020년-현재
대한마취통증의학회 정회원
대한마취통증의학회 대구경북지회 학술이사 2017-2018년
대한 부위마취학회 학술위원 2018년- 현재
대한부위마취학회 감사 2023-2024년
대한부위마취학회 재무이사 2024년-현재
대한마취통증의학회 수련교육위원 2021년-2022년
대한마취통증의학회 홍보이사 2022-2024년

학회 및 대외활동

1.전신마취 후 발생한 일시적인 안면신경마비 대한마취과학회지 2009
2.일차성 인공 고관절 치환술과 재치환술 간의 술 후 폐합병증 발생빈도 및 위험인자의 비교 대한마취과학회지 2009
3.비디오 흉강경 수술 후 수술 부위의 생리식염수 세척에 의해 발생한 동성서맥 대한마취과학회지 2009
4.종격동 종양 환자의 전신마취 시 발생한 심각한 저산소혈증 및 저혈압 대한마취과학회지 2009
5.Better treatment strategies for patients with acute cholecystitis and american society of anesthesiologists classification 3 or greater 연세의대학술지2010
6.Is the Airtraq optical laryngoscope effective in tracheal intubation by novice personnel? KJA 2010
7.Extensive demyelinating change in cerebrum after a total knee replacement KJA 2010
8.Effects of 10% lidocaine spray on arterial pressure increase due to suspension laryngoscopy and cough during extubation KJA 2011
9.The effect of sub-Tenon lidocaine injection on emergence agitation after general anaesthesia in paediatric strabismus surgery EJA 2011
10.Acute post-cardiopulmonary bypass left atrial thrombosis after mitral valvuloplasty and left atrial thrombectomy J of Caidiothoracic surgery 2012
11.The effect of intravenous labetalol administration on hemodynamic responses during desflurane inhalation KJA 2012
12.Airway obstruction after biopsy by cervical mediastinoscopy in a patient with a mediastinal mass KJA 2012
13.Severe edema of the eyes and lips as rare side effects of eye ointment for protection of eyes under general anesthesia KJA 2012
14.체외 순환기 이탈 중 내전된 좌심방귀에 의해 유발된 것으로 보이는 좌심실로의 혈류 장해 APM 2013
15.Risk factors of morbidity and mortality following hip fracture surgery KJA 2013
16.Jaw-thrust induces sympathetic responses during induction of general anesthesia KJA 2013
17.Misinsertion of central venous catheter into the suspected vertebral vein KJA 2014
18.Optimal Effect-Site Concentration of Remifentanil for Inhibiting Response to Laryngeal Mask Airway Removal during Removal Yonsei Medical Journal 2015
19.Remifentanil postconditioning has cross talk with adenosine receptors in the ischemic-reperfused rat heart JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH 2015
20.Video Distraction and Parental Presence for the Management of Preoperative Anxiety andPostoperative Behavioral Disturbance in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA 2015
21.The effective bolus dose of remifentanil to facilitate laryngeal mask airway insertion during inhalation induction of sevoflurane in children J of anesthesia 2015
22.Remifentanil-induced preconditioning has cross-talk with A1 and A2B adenosine receptors in ischemic-reperfused rat heart BOSNIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES 2016
23.The effect of ketorolac and dexamethasone on the incidence of sore throat in women after thyroidectomy: a prospective double-blinded randomized trial KJA 2017
24.Decrease in spectral entropy by low tidal volume ventilation-associated severe hypercapnia: a case report KJA 2017
25.Airway obstruction during general anesthesia in a premature infant suspecting bronchospasm and/or airway malacia YMJ 2017
26.A comparison of continuous femoral nerve block combined with sciatic nerve block and epidural analgesia for postoperative pain management after total knee replacement APM 2017
27.Hypoxic hepatitis during the perioperative period in patients with severe pulmonary disease and cor pulmonale Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia 2017
28.A comparison of 0.075% and 0.15% of ropivacaine with fentanyl for postoperative patient controlled epidural analgesia after laparoscopic gynecologic surgery YMJ 2017
29.족관절 회내 손상에서 발생한 삼각인대 파열을 동반한 내과 골절 YMJ 2017
30.Suddenly fixed upward ocular deviation under general anesthesia YMJ 2017
31.Anesthetic management of the first forearm transplantation in Korea KJA 2018
32.Comparison of the effects of oxycodone versus fentanyl on airway reflex to tracheal extubation and postoperative pain during anesthesia recovery after laparoscopic cholecystectomy A double-blind, randomized clinical consort study MEDICINE 2018
33.Comparison of sevoflurane and propofol anesthesia on the incidence of hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing lung surgery YMJ 2018
34.Successful removal of an intractable mucoid impaction in the bronchus using a Fogarty catheter with flexible bronchoscopy Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia 2018
35.Effects of remifentanil maintenance during recovery on emergence delirium in children with sevoflurane anesthesia PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA 2018
36.Accidental cut of esophageal temperature probe during lobectomy for lung cancer APM 2018
37. Successful difficult airway management using GlideScope video laryngoscope in a child with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome YMJ 2018
38. Comparison of displacement of polyvinyl chloride and silicone leftsided double-lumen tubes during lateral positioning KJA 2019
39. Validity of bispectral index monitoring during deep sedation in children with spastic cerebral palsy undergoing injection of botulinum toxin KJA 2019
40. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Analgesic Efficacies of an Ultrasound-Guided Approach with and without a Combined Pressure Measurement Technique for Thoracic Paravertebral Blocks After Open Thoracotomy THERAPEUTICS AND CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2020
41. Comparison of palonosetron with combined palonosetron and midazolam for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy Medicine 2021
42. The Effects of Remifentanil and Fentanyl on Emergence Agitation in Pediatric Strabismus Surgery CHILDREN-L 2022
43. Peripheral nerve block with ropivacaine in Brugada syndrome patient: Anesthetic consideration Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia 2023
44. Unexpected Tension Pneumothorax after Double-Lumen Endotracheal Intubation in Patients with Pulmonary Edema: A Case Report MEDICINA-LITHUANIA 2023
45. Anesthetic Management and Bispectral Index in a Child with Miller–Dieker Syndrome: A Case Report CHILDREN-L 2023
46. Comparison of remimazolam and propofol induction on hemodynamic response in hypertensive patients Medicine 2023




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