

김용하 사진


  • [진료과] 성형외과
  • [주연구분야] 안면부 선천성기형, 안면부 외상, 코성형, 일반성형
  • [직위] 교수
  • [진료과목] 안면부 선천성기형, 안면부 외상, 코성형, 일반성형



영남대학교 의과대학 졸업(1987)
충남대학교 의학박사(2001)


[주요진료 및 연구분야]
안면 골절 (안와 골절, 상악 및 하악 골절, 광대 골절, 비골 골절), 구순구개열, 선천성 안면기형, 코성형술, 눈성형술

[경력 및 연수]

영남대학교병원 성형외과 수련(1992-1996)
영남대학교병원 성형외과 교수(1997-현재)
영남대학교병원 성형외과 주임교수 및 임상과장 역임(2005-2015)

학회 및 대외활동

AOCMF 한국지부학회 회장(2022-2025)
대한성형외과학회 학술위원장 역임(2010-2012)
대한성형외과학회지 (Archives of Plastic Surgery, APS) 편집장 (2014-2020)
성형외과학회 대구경북지회 이사장 역임
대한성형외과 영호남학회 이사장 역임(2017-2018)
대한안면외상연구회 회장 역임(2016-2018)
대한두개안면성형외과학회 이사장(2017-2019)

*The Incidence of Traumatic Optic Neuropathy Associated With Subtypes of Orbital Wall Fracture(2022)
*Academic exchange in the COVID-19 era(2020)
*Changes and directions of craniofacial surgery in Korea(2019)
*Oblique transnasal wiring canthopexy via Y-V epicanthoplasty for telecanthus correction in a patient with Waardenburg syndrome (2019)
*Are titanium implants actually safe for magnetic resonance imaging examinations?(2019)
*Relationship Between Nasal Fracture and Blowout Fracture: Can Nasal Fracture be a Predictor of Blowout Fracture?(2019)
*Repair of Lower Canalicular Laceration Using the Mini-Monoka Stent: Primary and Revisional Repairs(2018)
* How to review a paper for Archives of Plastic Surgery, communicate as a reviewer, and handle disagreements with authors (2018)
*Reconstruction of Medial Orbital Wall Fractures without Subperiosteal Dissection: The “Push-Out” Technique(2017)
*Why Are Some Periods and Places So Astonishingly More Productive than Others? (2016)
*A Systematized Strategy in Corrective Rhinoplasty for the Asian Deviated Nose(2016)
*Considerations for the Management of Medial Orbital Wall Blowout Fracture (2016)
* Combined Orbital Fractures: Surgical Strategy of Sequential Repair(2015)
* The Relationship Between Facial Asymmetry and Nasal Septal Deviation(2015)
* Experience of adult-onset velopharyngeal insufficiency after tuberculosis of the soft palate(2015)
*Medial Canthopexy Using Y-V Epicanthoplasty Incision in the Correction of Telecanthus(2014)
* Usefulness of Indirect Open Reduction and External Fixation in Algorithm Oriented Treatment of Nasal Fracture (2013)
* Expansion orbitotomy: another approach to the orbital floor(2013)
* Correction of orbital wall fracture close to the optic canal using computer-assisted navigation surgery(2013)
* The Use of a Transparent Corneal Protector Permits Early Detection of Mydriasis to Prevent Blindness during Orbital Wall Fracture Surgery(2013)
* Writing an evidence-d articles in plastic surgery field(2013)
* Posttraumatic enophthalmos: injuries and outcomes(2012)
* Easy Molding Technique of Methylmethacrylate Implant Using Plaster and Rapid Prototyping Model in Cranioplast(2012)
* Inlay implanting technique for the correction of medial orbital wall fracture(2011)
* Effective Reduction Malarplasty Considering Pivot Point(2011)
* Three Rotational Variables in Osseous Genioplasty(2011)
* Analysis of Delayed Correction of Posttraumatic Enophthalmos(2010)
* Facial Contouring Surgery for Asians(2009)
* Easy facial analysis using Facial Golden Mask(2007)
* Temporary tongue-lip traction during the initial period of Mandibular distraction in Pierre-Robin Sequence(2007)
* Reduction malarplasty through an intraoral incision: A new Method(2000)
* Correction of Severe Post-traumatic Enophthalmos through Transconjunctival Approach(2003)
* Ophthalmologic pathology in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis(2003)
* Reoperation Rate in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis(2002)
* Reduction malarplasty through an intraoral incision: A new Method(2000)
* 외상성 안구변위증 지연교정에 대한 분석(1997)
* 표준성형외과학(2009) 공동저자
* 구순구개열(2005) 공동저자

등 국내외 학술논문 92편


대한성형외과학회지 우수논문상(2011)
대한미용성형외과학회 우수발표상(2015)


Chang-Gung Memorial hospital, Taiwan 두개안면센터 연수(1998)
(美)Washington university, Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis 안면기형센터 교환교수(2001-2002)

주요 저서 및 논문

  • 표준성형외과학 3판




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