

홍경수 사진


  • [진료과] 호흡기센터
  • [주연구분야] 폐 조직검사, 초음파 기관지 내시경, 폐암, 폐결절, 특발성폐섬유화증, 폐결핵
  • [직위] 교수
  • [진료과목] 호흡기 중재적 시술(폐 조직검사, 초음파 기관지 내시경,이물제거,내과적 흉강경), 결핵, 특발성폐섬유화증, 폐암, 폐결절



2004.03 - 2011.02 영남대학교 의과대학 졸업


2012.03 - 2016.02 영남대학교의료원 내과학 교실
2019.05 - 2021.02 영남대학교의료원 호흡기내과 전임의
2021.03 - 2023.02 영남대학교의료원 호흡기내과 임상교수
2023.03 - 현재 영남대학교의료원 호흡기내과 조교수

학회 및 대외활동

1. Hong KS, Ahn H, Lee KH, Chung JH, Shin KC, Jin HJ, Jang JG, Lee SS, Jang MH, Ahn JH. Radial probe endobronchial ultrasound using guide sheath-guided transbronchial lung biopsy in peripheral pulmonary lesions without fluoroscopy. Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2021 Jun 24.
2. Hong KS, Lee KH, Chung JH, Shin KC, Jin HJ, Jang JG, Ahn JH. Utility of Radial Probe Endobronchial Ultrasound Guided Transbronchial Lung Biopsy in Bronchus Sign Negative Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions. J Korean Med Sci. 2021 Jun 21;36(24).
3. Hong KS, Jang JG, Ahn JH, Radial probe endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial lung biopsy for the diagnosis of cavitary peripheral pulmonary lesions. Thorac Cancer. 2021;1–8.
4. Hong KS, et al. Quantitative Assessment of Chest CT Patterns in COVID-19 and Bacterial Pneumonia Patients: a Deep Learning Perspective. J Korean Med Sci. 2021 Feb 1;36(5):e46
5. Hong KS, Ahn JH, Jang JG, Lee JH, Kim HN, Kim D, Lee W. GSK-LSD1, an LSD1 inhibitor, quashes SARS-CoV-2-triggered cytokine release syndrome in-vitro. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2020 Nov 17;5(1):267.
6. Hong KS, Jang JG, Hur J, Lee JH, Kim HN, Lee W, Ahn JH. Early Hydroxychloroquine Administration for Rapid Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Eradication. Infect Chemother. 2020 Sep;52(3):396-402.
7. Hong KS, Lee KH, Chung JH, Shin KC, Choi EY, Jin HJ, Jang JG, Lee W, Ahn JH. Clinical Features and Outcomes of 98 Patients Hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Daegu, South Korea: A Brief Deive Study. Yonsei Med J. 2020 May;61(5):431-437.
8. Hong KS, Kim MC, Ahn JH. Sarcopenia Is an Independent Risk Factor for NAFLD in COPD: A Nationwide Survey (KNHANES 2008-2011). Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2020 May 7;15:1005-1014.
9. Hong KS, Ahn JH, Choi EY, Jin HJ, Shin KC, Chung JH, Lee KH. Microbiologic distribution and clinical features of nontuberculous mycobacteria in the tertiary hospital in Daegu. Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2015 Dec:32(2): 71-79.
10. Hong KS, Choi EY, Park DA, Park J. Safety and Efficacy of the Moderate Sedation During Flexible Bronchoscopic Procedure: A Systematic Review and -Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Oct;94(40):e1459.
11. Lee YY, Park HH, Park W, Kim H, Jang JG, Hong KS, Lee JY, Seo HS, Na DH, Kim TH, Choy YB, Ahn JH, Lee W, Park CG. Long-acting nanoparticulate DNase-1 for effective suppression of SARS-CoV-2-mediated neutrophil activities and cytokine storm. Biomaterials. 2020 Oct 23;267:120389.
12. Lee W, Ahn JH, Park HH, Kim HN, Kim H, Yoo Y, Shin H, Hong KS, Jang JG, Park CG, Choi EY, Bae JS, Seo YK. COVID-19-activated SREBP2 disturbs cholesterol biosynthesis and leads to cytokine storm. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2020 Sep 3;5(1):186.
13. Kim HN, Park HH , Lim W , Hong KS, Ahn JH, Na DH, Kim IS, Jang JG, Bae JS, Lee W. Ferritin Nanocage‐d Methyltransferase SETD6 for COVID‐19 Therapy. Adv Funct Mater. 2020 Sep 30: 2006110.
14. Jang JG, Hur J, Choi EY, Hong KS, Lee W, Ahn JH. Prognostic Factors for Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Daegu, Korea. J Korean Med Sci. 2020 Jun 15;35(23):e209.
15. Chung SM, Lee YY, Ha E, Yoon JS, Won KC, Lee HW, Hur J, Hong KS, Jang JG, Jin HJ, Choi EY, Shin KC, Chung JH, Lee KH, Ahn JH, Moon JS. The Risk of Diabetes on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Diabetes b J. 2020 Jun;44(3):405-413.
16. Jang JG, Hur J, Hong KS, Lee W, Ahn JH. Prognostic Accuracy of the SIRS, qSOFA, and NEWS for Early Detection of Clinical Deterioration in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Patients. J Korean Med Sci. 2020 Jun 29;35(25):e234. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2020.35.e234. PMID: 32597046; PMCID: PMC7324266.
17. Kang M, Chikontwe P, Luna M, Hong KS, Jang KG, Park J, Shin KC, Ahn JH, Park SH. Quantitative Assessment of Chest CT Patterns in COVID-19 and Bacterial Pneumonia patients: A Deep Learning Perspective. medRxiv, 2020 Nov.:20231118
18. Chikontwe P, Luna M, Kang M, Hong KS, Ahn JH, Park SH. Dual Attention Multiple Instance Learning with Unsupervised Complementary Loss for COVID-19 Screening. medRxiv. 2020 Sep.:20194654
19. Jang JG, Chung JH, Hong KS, Ahn JH, Lee JY, Jo JH, Lee DW, Shin KC, Lee KH, Kim MJ, Lee JC, Lee JH, Lee JK. A case of solitary fibrous pleura tumor associated with severe hypoglycemia: doege-potter syndrome. Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2015 Apr;78(2):120-4.
20. Jang JG, Hong KS, Choi EY. A case of nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism after facial injection of hyaluronic Acid in an illegal cosmetic procedure. Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2014 Aug;77(2):90-3.




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