
Additional Exam Options

Additional Exam Options
  List of Exams Related diseases & Instructions
CT Brain CT Brain diseases-Cerebral hemorrhage, Cerebral infarction, brain tumor, etc
Upper Abdominal CT Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Gallbladder and Kidney detailed examinations of abdominal organs
Chest CT Lung tumors and other Thoracic diseases
Cardiac CT(+Coronary Arteries Calcium Score) Heart diseases
L-spine CT Spinal Stenosis, Lumbar spondylolistthesis, Degenerative Spinal disorder and HIVD, etc.
C-spine CT Cervical HIVD and other cervical diseases, etc.
Upper Abdominal+Chest CT  
Chest+Cardiac CT(+Coronary Arteries Calcium Score) Diagnosis of Lung cancer and Heart diseases caused by diseases related colonary artery
Upper Abdominal+Chest+Cardiac CT  
PET PET-MR To detect the location and status of the cancer lesion using minimum radiation expose
PET-CT To detect systemic metastasis of Lung, breast, lymph or thyroid cancer
In-depth Cardiac Medical Examination  
MRI(Brain) Cerebral Hemorrhage, Cerebral Infarction, Brain Tumor, Pituitary tumor, etc.
MRA(Health screening for Stroke) Blood vessel stenosis and prediction of afterward blockage
Brain Screening(MRI+MRA)  
MRI(L-spine) HIVD and various Spine related lesions, etc.
Endoscopy Colonoscopy Diagnosis of Inflammatory bowel disease and early detection of benign or malignant tumor in colons
Endoscopy with sedation  
Sonography Thyroid Sonography Diagnosis of Thyroid Tumor or Thyroid Hypertrophy, etc.
Carotid Arteries Sonography Early detection of Arteriosclerosis
Prostate Sonography Diagnosis of Prostate cancer or Prostate Hypertrophy, etc.
Breast Sonography Diagnosis of Fiberbroadenoma, Cystoma, Papilloma, Lipoma, Intraductal spread, breast cancer, etc.
Gynecology Sonography(Pelvic Sonography) Uterine Myoma, Endomeriosis, Ovarian tumor or inflammation, etc.
Thyroid+Breast Sonography  
Thyroid+Carotid Arteries Sonography  
Echocardiography Early detection of Myocardial Infarction, Angina, Heart valvular disease, Myocardiopathy, etc.
Echocardiography+Carotid Arteries Sonography(IMT)  
Blood Test Cardiovascular in-depth blood test (4 types)  
Immunity test(NK Cell Activity test) Examination for immunity related tumor or other diseases
Allergic In-depth blood test(Respiratory,foods)  
Lung Cancer Exam Tumor Markers Blood Test(2 types) NSE, Cyfra 21-1
Rhumatism Test  
Bone Density Test To detect Osteoporosis and its status
Biometric Age Test Comprehensive Measurement of biological aging degree
Neurocognitive function test(Dementia) Memory disorder, Dementia, Agnosia, Aphasia, Apraxia, Aprosexia, etc.
Stress Test To measure stress degree using Heart Rate Variability(HRV)
Gynecologic test Thin Prep Test  
Human Papillomavirus Test(HPV test) To detect the infection of HPV(The main cause of Cervical cancer) and identify its type
Breast X-ray Test Diagnosis of breast cancer, breast adenoma, breast cysts, etx.
Tumor DNA
Common 4 types of cancer (Lung, Liver, Gastric, and Pancreatic) Cancers, diseases(Stroke, dimentia, etc)
3 types of cancer (Pancreatic, Kidney and Liver)
3 types of diseases (Parkinson's disease, Demantia and Stroke)
2 types of diseases (Stoke and Dimentia)
Male 3 Types of cancer (Prostate,Kidney and Colon)
2 Types of cancer (Prostate and Testis)
2 Types of cancer (Stroke and Prostate)
Female 3 Types of cancer (Ovarian, Cervical and Breast)
2 types of cancer (Breast and Ovarian)
2 types of cancer (Stroke and Breast)

※ Thin Prep

  • How to exam: Using a small brush, the cells on the surface of the cervix are collected and fixed in a container which has preservative. After removal of foreign substances such as blood, mucus, and inflammatory cells, only the cells necessary for diagnosis are selected and smeared on a slide to check whether the cells are normal or not under a microscope. Accurancy of test is 75%~80%.
  • Precautions before Thin Prep
  • Within 48 hours before the test;
    • Do not have sexual intercourses
    • Do not use Vaginal Washing, vaginal drugs(ex- vaginal tablet or contraceptives), tampon, and love gel.
  • Test is impossible during period.